Your bathroom is one of the only places in the entire house where you can relax and unwind. Want to know what can enhance this relaxation? Here are the best bathroom plants that can transform your shower space into a spa.

But before we get into that, let’s look at why bathroom plants are important.

Why Place plants in the bathroom?

We spend most of our time indoors. Additionally, we spend 2-3 hours in the bathroom and shower every day. Indoor furniture, synthetic building materials, hygiene and cleaning products emit harmful toxins that can pollute your indoor air. Plants help with the toxin removal and contribute to better air quality which ultimately leads to better health. Below we explore the primary reasons why plants are a necessity for your shower space.

  1. They purify the air

Plants purify the air around them giving you a clean environment that is crucial for a bathroom. According to research by NASA researchers, house plants can remove air pollutants that can cause allergies. Dr. Clifford Bassett, MD, a clinical assistant professor, suggests Peace Lily, and Mother-in-Law’s Tongue for bathrooms. According to him, these plants significantly improve air quality and promote better well-being. Additionally, bathroom plants purify the air by removing trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde toxins.

2. They increase energy and improve mental health

Plants improve your overall energy according to a study. Besides offering an increased energy boost, plants are known to induce a positive effect on our mental well-being. People who surround themselves with plants are known to have better mental clarity and focus. Some studies show that plants can help improve your mood and therefore enhance your communication and ultimately your relationships.  

3. They absorb excess moisture

In addition to keeping the air clean, plants also absorb excess moisture. This helps them grow while keeping your bathroom feeling cleaner and fresher.

So now you know why plants are necessary. Let’s look at the many options you have in bathroom plants.

How to choose plants for your bathroom

There are a number of things you have to consider when it comes to choosing the right plants. Most commonly, the best bathroom plants include orchids, Aloe-vera, spider plants, Boston ferns, and heartleaf philodendrons to mention a few. Most of these bathroom plants need minimum light and moisture, so you don’t have to worry about maintenance. Most of the time plants like Aloe-vera absorb maximum moisture from the air, which makes them perfect for epoxy shower spaces.

You can choose from a number of plants. Your choice should depend on the level of humidity (which can be determined by how often do you take long, hot showers) and the lightening in the bathroom.

Bathroom plants are usually perfect addition to a shower space as they readily absorb the moisture and thrive without much care. However, there are certain species of plants that perform better under certain conditions. For example, Succulents are much easier to maintain than Ferns.

What type of plants should you choose?

Here is a list of best bathroom plants that can be a perfect addition to your shower space.



Orchids are a perfect choice for bathroom or shower space as they are small and highly absorbent. They readily thrive in a moist environment and require less maintenance. As they are small, they also require less space and can be placed on windowsills. Additionally, Orchids do not require too much light to grow. In fact, direct sunlight for long hours may burn the plant. Find a space in your bathroom where the plant can receive indirect light.


Peace Lily

Peace Lily is one of the most popular air-purifying plants that can improve the air quality in any space. They are perfect for bathrooms as they purify the air, filtering out the harmful toxins from cleaning products that otherwise have no way to be cleared. This plant requires a little bit of maintenance. If it isn’t blossoming, move it to a spot where there’s moderate sunlight.

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera or ‘the plant of immortality’ as the Egyptians called it, requires little to no maintenance which makes it a perfect addition to your home. It easily grows in damp conditions and low light. It is advised that you keep it out of direct sunlight as it may burn. Apart from absorbing moisture, Aloe Vera offers a number of benefits including a quick remedy for burns, cuts, dry skin and insect bites.

When choosing Aloe vera, you need to make sure that you don't over water it. Too much water can kill the plant.

Croton Houseplant


Croton has exquisite colors that add brightness to your bathroom or shower space. So they are more than just air-purifying plants; they add a decorative element to your space. Bathrooms are especially a good place to keep Crotons as they require substantial moisture and indirect light. They should be watered on a daily basis but make sure not to let excess water stand in the pot.

In addition, the plant can grow up to 3-feet tall, so make sure that it isn't placed in a crowded corner.

Note: Croton leaves are toxic. Keep the plant away from your pets and children.

Chinese evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

This is another low-maintenance plant that can lighten up your bathroom. It thrives in humid and warm temperatures and may not survive for long in cold. So this is perfect for your shower space.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns

Boston ferns are a perfect choice as they thrive well in high humidity and low light conditions. They do not require high maintenance; the moisture from the shower will keep it hydrated. Additionally, Boston ferns help remove xylene and formaldehyde from the air. So, this one is more than just a decoration item for your bathroom windowsill.

Spider Plant

Spider Plant

Spider plants are another great addition to your bathroom or shower space. They can easily grow in humidity. In terms of maintenance, try not to place them in a tight container; they thrive better in open spaces. Additionally, ensure to keep them out of direct sunlight as the leaves can get scorched.

Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina)

Weeping Fig can essentially enhance the interior of your bathroom if you have enough room for a small tree. Humidity is good for the Fig plant; however, try not to over-water it. Additionally, low temperatures can make it lose its leaves. This plant requires more light compared to the others on this list so make sure to place it near sunlight.

Zamioculcas zamifolia

Eternity Plant

Also known as Zamioculcas zamifolia, the name eternity is given to the plant because of its high endurance and longevity. It requires very little hydration and thrives under even the worst conditions. It essentially is an independent being that survives on its own with little or no care.

Mother-in-law’s tongue

Mother-in-law’s tongue

This is one of the most recommended plants for bathrooms. With its sword-like leaves, this plant adds a decorative element to your bathroom or shower space essentially uplifting the tone of the setting. Additionally, it adds color to your bathroom while promising cleaner air. In terms of maintenance, it doesn’t cause much trouble; you can run it under the shower once or twice a week and it should be fine.

Dragon Plant

The Dragon Plant

This plant comes in more than forty distinct varieties with spear-shaped leaves that give you a number of options to choose from. But that is not the only exciting thing about it; the Dragon plant requires low maintenance and acts as a workhorse when it comes to purifying the air in its surroundings. It is one of the top recommended plants for creating a clean environment for your shower space or bathroom. Due to its small size, it easily fits in any corner.

In terms of maintenance, keep it out of direct sunlight as the leaves can get scorched. In addition, the Dragon plant prefers artificial light, so keep it in a shade.

Peperomia Houseplant


Peperomia is perfect for small bathroom spaces. The plant thrives better in low light and requires little or no maintenance. They readily absorb humidity but can get damaged when over-watered. The good thing is that you can choose a peperomia plant in different colors. We prefer Peperomia albovittata for bathrooms.

What plants do you prefer in your home and shower space?


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